Who am I!?
Every time I think about writing a biography or an introduction for myself all I can think of is the scene in the Jackie Chan movie ‘Who am I’ where he screams the title of the movie and the camera starts spinning around him. Cool scene but, I can’t say if it’s a good movie or not because I’ve never seen the movie but, I’ve seen the scene so that’s all I got on that front.
Here’s the scene in question!
so that’s the Question… Who am I?
A picture of Cleo and Caesar, our dogs who have sadly passed.
Honestly, I’m pretty bad when it comes to talking about myself, it took me more time than I’d like to admit to even type up the about page for this very website. So I suppose I’ll start with a quick how did I get here, I guess starting with where I was born, Toronto, or more specifically, Scarborough. Back in the year 1996, when I was born, Scarborough wasn’t actually part of Toronto yet so technically I wasn’t actually born in Toronto, but hey don’t think too much of it. Anyways, both of my parents were in the military and my Grandparents on my father’s side helped a bunch in taking care of my sisters, myself and our two dogs, up until the summer of 2009 when we moved from Toronto to Ottawa. Moving to Ottawa wasn’t something that I wanted to do and luckily today I am more welcoming to change nowadays.
A younger me and Caesar.
Once my life story gets to Ottawa it honestly felt like a blur: going through 8th grade, then all of high school, and then straight into University. I spent most of my free time, and still do, playing video games, hanging out with friends, and talking to people online, usually with the people I would play games with. Extracurricular activities included playing in the band, joining the drama club, and occasionally playing sports like Rugby. Honestly, looking back on it I do wish I didn’t do as many things all at once as even today I get stressed about how I did so much in so little time and how I would have possibly liked to take a proper break between High School and University but, reflecting back on it I don’t think I would change anything I did. After trying my hand at post-secondary school for a couple of years with the IMD Program at Carleton University and Algonquin College I found that I didn’t really enjoy what I was doing. It took almost 4 years for me to realize that I wanted to go back for photography after picking it up as a hobby, having my family and girlfriend pushing me to go to school for it. I must say this past year and a half of me being in the photography program have been some of the best in recent time and really look forward to continuing on this journey.
I know that end sort of felt like a bit of a rant but like I said it takes some time for me to figure out what I want to say properly! I hope you enjoyed reading and if you have any questions or want to share what you think comment below!